Can I ask you a quick favor?

Would you be so kind as to give answers to these basic questions below?

One-Minute SURVEY:

Ambitious Growth Ahead? Are you aiming to grow your business and personal income by at least 20% in the upcoming 12 months?

Mobile-First Approach in Prospecting: Does your team prioritize a mobile-first strategy, utilizing mobile apps or mobile-optimized tools for prospecting and follow up?

Social Media: Friend or Foe? In your opinion, does social media sometimes cause more distractions than beneficial results in the Direct Sales and Network Marketing industry?

Digital Domination: Do you provide your organization with Lead Magnet Pages and Sales Funnels that are fully personalized and automated to generate 1000’s of free leads via social?

Do you have a scoreboard: Are you aware of and publicly post leaderboards showing your teams activity numbers? Do you create fun competition?

Is duplication really happening:  If you asked 10 random distributors what their prospecting process looks like, would you get 10 different answers?

Marketing Mastery: Are you aware of which marketing tools, and in what sequence, lead to the highest sales and recruitment rates?

Hot Prospect Tracking: Are you leveraging technology and analytics to inform your team who is their hottest prospect?

Organizational Scope:  What is the current size of your organization?

Income Bracket Mastery:  What is the annual income generated from your network marketing business?

We would like to thank you for providing us with useful information, in helping us to best serve you.